Governance and ethical business practice

Our commitment: We have a zero tolerance of all forms of bribery and corruption, and we have policies and procedures in place to ensure good business practice, supported by our whistleblowing hotline

Captured in the following policies: Sustainability Policy, Code of Conduct, Whistleblowing Policy, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (including Gifts and Hospitality rules)

Aligned with the following SDGs: SDG16

Our commitment: To ensure correct and lawful treatment of personal data, protecting confidentiality and integrity, and to provide robust cybersecurity processes.

Captured in the following policies: Sustainability Policy, IT Cybersecurity & Social Media Policy

Aligned with the following SDGs: SDG16

Our commitment: To ensure modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our business or supply chains.

Captured in the following policies: Sustainability Policy, Modern Slavery Statement, Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

Aligned with the following SDGs: SDG16